AMFI Kenya
Association of Microfinance
Institutions - Kenya

Welcome to

The Association of Microfinance
Institutions - Kenya

Who we are

The Association for Microfinance Institutions Kenya (AMFI-K) is a member-based umbrella network for microfinance businesses and microfinance service providers established and registered under the societies Act since 1999. The overarching goal of AMFI-K is to spearhead and promote a healthy and vibrant financial system in Kenya that enhances access to financial services and promote inclusion of the bottom of the pyramid.

Access to financial services of the bottom of the pyramid is critical in enabling the poor and low-income households to access essential basic needs such as education, healthcare services, decent housing, clean water and energy thus promoting human dignity, equity and security.  


Our Mission

To promote a competitive microfinance industry through Lobbying and Advocacy, Research and Knowledge management, Capacity Building, Networking & Linkages

Our Vision

To be the network of choice that promotes an innovative, inclusive and conducive environment for microfinance sector

Strategic Objectives

Lobbying & Policy Advocacy

Lobbying & Policy Advocacy

To enhance collective action by its members and other stakeholders for an enabling policy and regulatory environment for the microfinance industry in Kenya.

Capacity Building

Capacity Building

To strengthen the capacity of MFIs in delivering appropriate and sustainable microfinance services to low-income people, through organization and coordination of workshops and trainings

Networking and Linkages

Networking and Linkages

Provide regular platforms for her members to enhance effective collaboration among themselves and with other development actors and relevant stakeholders.

Research and Knowledge Management

Research and Knowledge Management

To provide members with timely and quality research and information that help underpin the policy and advocacy agenda, and facilitate industry product design.

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